Sunday, April 24, 2005

Seder at Dima & Nina's

With Dod Yannai and Doda Racheli.


The benefit of being 6 months old is that I get to taste REAL food! (an apple)

All dressed up for the "Seder" with Dima & Nina.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Bouncy Bouncy!

Enjoying being bi-pedal for a change.

Watching Noa Watching TV

We're watching TV together and Noa is filling me in on the parts I've missed. She's so pretty :-)

Anat, Noa and I

Here we are together on Anat, Mommy's best friend in the world!


On my 0.5th birthday I went to visit my friend Noa from Omer. She's a year older than me and we had lots of fun together.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Enjoying the sun with Mommy.

Monday, April 11, 2005

At the zoo we met Dima, Nina and Tamara Nina's Mom.

I am sooooo cute!

Here's another baby I met on my 2nd trip to the zoo. He's a baby Ring-Tailed Lemur hanging on to his Mom's fur. I wish my Mom was furry too.

My 2nd Trip to the Zoo

Hey! I remember him from my -1st trip to the zoo. What about my 1st trip? I slept right through it!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Visiting Shraga

Great Grandpa Shraga and I love each other so much!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Heads & Shoulders

Here I am, on the shoulders of giants

And here's Daddy holding the next generation of the Shavits.

Or a Viking, like my Dad...

What should I be for Purim? Tigger, perhaps?

Mommy and I