Monday, December 27, 2004

Funny hats for the new year!


Gramps is SO Funny!!
He kills me, I tell you, he just kills me!!

All packed and ready to go!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Mouth-plug in place, and eyes gazing.

Squeeze in that Frame.

Squeeze in that Frame.

Family Huddle

Family Huddle.

Don't be Silly Mom!

That's my Mom, goofing around with a fleece hat she made for me.

Adorable or What?

Aren't I just adorable?

Be-rosh Ha-give-ah

Be-rosh Ha-give-ah - Dad and I at the top of the world.
Probably the highest altitude I have ever reached.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Splish Splash!

Splish Splash! This feels strange but remotely familiar...